samedi 7 décembre 2013


The Lovemarker is a creative insight generator that measures emotional heat from the three characteristics of Lovemarks: Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy. 
A Lovemark is a brand that creates Loyalty Beyond Reason.

With the aim to know if Pringles and Lays are lovemarks, we (as editors of this blog) did a survey based on 100 answers of different persons from different backgrouds and culture and responding to different ages criteria (children, young and adults). The population is very mixed as crisps consumers are and in order to have a general point of view.
How does it work ? 
Score: 2 points for Hot, 1 point for Warm and 0 points for Cold.
No Respect, no Lovemark. The company must score at least 25 Respect points to be considered for Lovemark status.
What the points mean:
0 to 36 points = Commodity
37 to 40 = Brand
41+ = Lovemark 

1) Pringles


Innovation : 37
Quality : 53
Service : 32
Identity : 63
Value : 42

TOTAL = 227

Reliability: 45

Sustainability : 26

Ease : 39

Openness : 39

Security : 34

TOTAL = 183

Leadership : 55

Honesty : 37

Responsibility : 34

Efficacy : 42

TOTAL = 168
Innovation : 47
Quality : 45
Service : 58
Identity : 34
Value : 58

TOTAL = 242

Reliability : 47

Sustainability : 55

Ease : 39

Openness : 47

Security : 53

TOTAL = 241

Leadership : 37

Honesty : 50

Responsibility : 50

Efficacy : 50

TOTAL = 187
Innovation : 16
Quality : 3
Service : 11
Identity : 3
Value : 0

TOTAL = 33

Reliability : 8

Sustainability : 18

Ease : 21

Openness : 13

Security : 13

TOTAL = 73

Leadership : 8

Honesty : 13

Responsibility : 16

Efficacy : 8

TOTAL = 45


Great stories : 26
Past présent future : 42
Taps into dreams : 29
Myths and icons : 37
Inspiration : 42

TOTAL = 176

Sound : 34

Sight : 34

Smell : 63

Touch : 45

Taste : 71

TOTAL = 247

Commitment : 32

Passion : 45

Empathy: 37

TOTAL = 114
Great stories : 58
Past présent future : 47
Taps into dreams : 39
Myths and icons : 32
Inspiration : 37

TOTAL = 213

Sound : 45

Sight : 55

Smell : 34

Touch : 47

Taste : 24

TOTAL = 205

Commitment : 53

Passion : 37

Empathy: 39

TOTAL = 129
Great stories : 16
Past présent future : 11
Taps into dreams : 32
Myths and icons : 32
Inspiration : 21

TOTAL = 112

Sound : 21

Sight : 11

Smell : 3

Touch : 8

Taste : 5

TOTAL = 48

Commitment : 16

Passion : 18

Empathy: 24

TOTAL = 58

The sum of "hot" collected by Pringles, taking into account both respect and love, is : 1125. As there is 100 people who participated, so 1125/ 100 = 11,25

The sum of "warm" collected by Pringles, taking into account both respect and love, is :1217. As there is 100 people who participated, so 1217/ 100 = 12,17

Given that Hot counts for 2,  "warm" for 1 and cold for 0, so (11,25*2) + 12,17 = 35 ==> Pringles is situated in Commodity category.

Respect:   578 Hot and 547  warm, divided by 100 people = 5,78 hot and warm. (5,78*2) + 5,47 = 17 < (less than) 25 Respect points. Pringles should improve the respect customers have towards it.

2) LAY'S


Innovation : 63
Quality : 50
Service : 37
Identity : 61
Value : 50

TOTAL = 261

Reliability: 42

Sustainability : 37

Ease : 42

Openness : 47

Security : 53

TOTAL = 221

Leadership : 58

Honesty : 39

Responsibility : 34

Efficacy : 37

TOTAL = 168
Innovation : 24
Quality : 47
Service : 47
Identity : 26
Value : 37

TOTAL = 181

Reliability : 47

Sustainability : 47

Ease : 47

Openness : 47

Security : 32

TOTAL = 220

Leadership : 34

Honesty : 47

Responsibility : 53

Efficacy : 47

TOTAL = 181
Innovation : 13
Quality : 3
Service : 16
Identity : 13
Value : 13

TOTAL = 58

Reliability : 11

Sustainability : 16

Ease : 11

Openness : 5

Security : 16

TOTAL = 59

Leadership : 8

Honesty : 13

Responsibility : 13

Efficacy : 16

TOTAL = 50



Great stories : 53
Past présent future : 61
Taps into dreams : 50
Myths and icons : 45
Inspiration : 50

TOTAL = 259

Sound : 32

Sight : 34

Smell : 50

Touch : 39

Taste : 53

TOTAL = 208

Commitment : 47

Passion : 55

Empathy: 47

TOTAL = 149
Great stories : 32
Past présent future : 32
Taps into dreams : 29
Myths and icons : 34
Inspiration : 34

TOTAL = 161

Sound : 53

Sight : 53

Smell : 39

Touch : 45

Taste : 42

TOTAL = 232

Commitment : 34

Passion : 29

Empathy: 32

TOTAL = 95
Great stories : 16
Past présent future : 8
Taps into dreams : 21
Myths and icons : 21
Inspiration : 16

TOTAL = 82

Sound : 16

Sight : 13

Smell : 11

Touch : 16

Taste : 5

TOTAL = 61

Commitment : 18

Passion : 16

Empathy: 21

TOTAL = 55

The sum of "hot" collected by LAYS taking into account both respect and love, is :1266 . As there is 100 people who participated, so 1266/ 100 = 12,66

The sum of "warm" collected by LAYS, taking into account both respect and love, is : 1070 . As there is 100 people who participated, so  1070/ 100 =10,7

Given that Hot counts for 2,  "warm" for 1 and cold for 0, so (12,66*2) + 10,7 = 36 ==> LAYS is situated in Commodity category.

Respect:   650 Hot and 582 warm, divided by 100 people = 6,50 hot and 6 warm. (6,5*2) + 6 =19 < 25 Respect points. LAYS should improve the respect customers have towards it. But it still higher than Pringles.


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