mercredi 4 décembre 2013

99% of the population is chip addict.
Discover why!

Lays : You can't eat just one !

Let me explain you: If you eat a chips you'll get 99% of probability to eat a second one.
Lays have understand that and build the experience around that. We already know that every chips brand put some additives into their products in order to stimulate the addiction. Glutamate Modosodique is responsible for that.

Lays experience: when you start eating lays, you become passionate even for a kid of 6 years old and forget everything, you boring meetings, your problems. Lay try to imply that when you eat it you get satisfaction and forget the life details. 

Pringles: Bring extra force: their fans ! 

The force is strong with this one. This is from a crowdsourcing video contest themed around "the force for fun". The youtube channel have been customized for the occasion.

Results: the contest have generated 900k view for this one and more than a thousand fans-generated video ideas.

They are letting their customer and fans be part of their marketing precess, making them feel like they can actively do something to help out the brands that they love. Moreover in a fun experience giving star wars fans the excuse to dress a Darth Vador costume.

Edouard de Joussineau

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