mardi 26 novembre 2013

Chips : A Health’s Enemy ? How do Brand's portfolios respond to it ?

  by Sara ADLOUNI

The serious dangers found in potato chips are more and more surfacing.

In United States for example, The California-based Environmental Law Foundation (ELF), in partnership with the state's attorney general, has filed notices with the state's attorney general against potato chip manufacturers.
  • ·         Lay's potato chip maker PepsiCo Inc.
  • ·         Pringles maker Proctor & Gamble Co.
  • ·         Cape Cod potato chip parent Lance Inc.
  • ·         Kettle Chips maker Kettle Foods Inc.
In order to warn consumers, authorities are now working on the requirement to place labels on manufacturer’s products regarding the high levels of acrylamide found inside.
What Is the Acrylamide ? The Acrylamide is a chemical that is formed in foods rich in carbohydrates and low in protein during processing or cooking at high temperatures. Its existence in potatoes crisps,was demonstrated in 2002 by the Swedish National Food Authority.
The Acrylamide is a toxic and reprotoxic (toxic to reproduction). In fact, The Institute of Health Research Bradford found a link between high levels of the famous acrylamide exposure and low birth weight and stunted development of brain and nervous system of the newborn. The Acrylamide is also known for its carcinogenic action as it increases the risk of kidney cancer by 60%.
Added to the carcinogenic danger that potato chip present, the nutritional researches show how crips do not have a great value. They are high in calories (over 500 kcal per 100 g), high fat (about 36 g lipides/100 g) and high sodium (600 mg/100 g). Their consumption is not recommended by nutritionists and should be excluded in case of excess weight. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine authority led by cardiologist and researcher Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, the chips are now partly responsible for the obesity epidemic in the United States. Dr. Mozaffarian, professor at Harvard Medical School, also states that high levels of starch and carbohydrate available in potato chips can alter the levels of glucose and insulin in our blood.
One of the most important requirements in brand management is to reduce risks in product decisions. In this situation where the product poses a threat to the health of the users, the risk to focus on is a physical one.

New consumer’s expectation - New challenges - How are Chips brands reacting ?
Nowadays’ consumers are more conscious and informed, more demanding and more suspicious. You consumer have already sawn or tried these emergent veggies chips. They are new, healthier and more colored! They are more available in supermarkets and more bought. This innovation brings the other veggies on the crisps, making crisps brands as a new coaches encouraging consumer to develop a healthier appetite by offering a larger range of vegetables and fruits to consume in a pioneering way. In fact, when it comes to health - for a couple of reasons – the vegetable chips can claim the upper hand.

As said in the article “Are Vegetable Chips Healthy” – available on the website “” : “The vegetable chips are made with non-hydrogenated canola oil versus the shortening and lard used in some of the potato chip choices, which helps to keep the vegetable chips free of harmful fats and cholesterol. The sodium (salt) levels in all of the vegetable chips are slightly lower than the regular potato chips. Also, if you’re looking to get essential vitamins out of your afternoon snack, then the carrot chips are an especially good choice. The carrot chips contain 10% of the daily recommended serving of vitamin A in each ounce of chips.”

Did you say new challenges ? The new leader is the one with the most adapted offer !

The fruit and vegetable Not fried nor baked crisps are now getting the star effect. The Leader is Snapz with its innovative recipes making healthy fruits and vegetable crisps as a weapon against obesity and unhealthy eating. Of course… Snapz products are free from artificial colorings, and 100% natural.

What are Lay’s and Pringle’s new strategies against the competition?


Flat Earth Fruit & Veggie Crisps
To attract health-conscious consumers, Frito-Lay Inc (Lay’s manufacter) has launched a line of snack crisps making an attractive consensus between merge fruit, veggies and snacking. Many flavor are available.
This new product provides ½ serving of fruits or vegetables. It’s a good source of vitamin C and the Veggie Crisps are a great source of vitamin A. However, these crisps are similar in calories (130) and fat (5 g) content to other Frito-Lay baked snacks.

Lay’s light

Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian reports that chips are now partly responsible for the obesity epidemic in the United States – Do you remember? So how does Frito-Lay Inc innovate to answer to the threat of Scientifics and competition? They launch a light version for all of they crisps lines (Lays’s Light, Ruffles Light, Doritos Light, and Tostitos Light). This is an example of the Light version of Lay’s:


Pringles Rice Infusions
Pringles Rice Infusions comes in a variety of flavors as the new brand’s line of snack to respond to health-conscious consumers’ expectations. It’s actually a line of crispy fresh flakes and it contains thirty per cent less fat than regular Pringles products.

According to Pringle’s Brand Manager, Emeric Capdevielle: ‘Pringles is a leader in stacked crisp category and now we are taking it to a whole new level. Pringles Rice Infusions is timely, because it perfectly meets our consumers’ higher expectations for a healthy tasty alternative. Pringles Rice Infusions is the perfect guilt free snack.”

Pringle’s light
Pringles “counter attacks” following the same strategy: Pringle’s Light. Pringle’s Light contains zero fat, and 50 percent fewer calories than regular potato chips, and is made with Olean brand olestra oil.

… But the key problem is named Olestra. Scientifics are here a one more time to prove the bad effect of this ingredient used in Frito-Lay Inc’s light crisps and Pringle’s Light!  In fact Olestra may cause abdominal cramping and loose stools. Olestra also inhibits the absorption of some vitamins and other nutrients. In US, The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) work on this issue… While the crisps industry should work on other innovative strategies to differentiate their Brand and regain the health-conscious consumers’ confidence.

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